Today I took part in the Graduation Ceremony of the latest 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training at Yoga Ashram, weekday batch. As all us teachers and newly graduated students of the 200-Hour Yoga Ashram Yoga Teacher Training sat around in a circle sharing experiences and laughing at how we nearly at times wanted to give it a break or even felt we couldn’t go further in the training, the students felt how much they had changed in the process. They felt grateful to all the various Yoga Ashram teachers who had sincerely and with great integrity and honesty shared their knowledge making it a most memorable Yoga Teacher Training albeit only the beginning of their yoga journey. Indeed as I reminded them that this was just the beginning and the certificate only a paper when compared to the immense knowledge and vastness of yoga that has been only started to be made available to these students, we all wondered what the future would hold for each of us.

As all teachers kept reminding them to straight away start community yoga sessions and continue teaching and self-practice, we could not all but help notice the changes that this 200-Hour weekday training had wrought in everyone. Boundaries had been pushed, talents newly founded and nurtured while new friendships had been forged. Everyone felt so unique, so blessed and fortunate to have partaken of this learning and the eagerness to forge new frontiers and make out their own individual niches could be felt in that room.

The confidence and the knowledge that comes from learning about ourselves and how we can better take care of our mind and bodies and the Self is valuable and is what can help us in our relationships, communication skills and staying centred.

At Yoga Ashram we are proud to have a variety of talented Yoga Teacher Trainers skilled in sharing this most precious knowledge, be it the physical asanas or the philosophy and theory behind everything we do in Yoga, and much more.

Join our 200-hour yoga teacher training program, accredited by the Yoga Alliance, and learn how to become a yoga instructor with Yoga Ashram’s expert guidance. Visit for more details and begin your transformative journey today.


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