
When you are high up in the mountains of Lonavala, a quiet area between busy Mumbai and Pune, Nature greets you with a stillness and freshness in the air!

The busy sounds of the city and pollution that is normally found in satellite cities  of India is pleasantly missing in Aamby. You wake up each morning to stillness and lots of greenery and mountain views. It feels as if Time has stood still in Aamby except for occasional sounds of construction which comes from afar as more people realize the benefits of staying in this unspoilt valley.

The stark yet beautiful views of the mountain behind the villa in Aamby Valley remind you of the beauty and vastness of nature. On the walks in Aamby, the monkeys sometimes cross your path and cows and bulls from the wild go about unashamedly as we have encroached on their space and not the other way around.

Time stands still and as you do your practice one actually feels the infinity in each yoga asana, the steadiness of each pose all the more enjoyable!

The discipline of yoga which one can impose on oneself here becomes so natural and effortless and you quickly go even deeper into your own practice. The nuances of each asana and every breathing exercise become all the more obvious as you explore your studies and practices in greater depth on this teacher training.

It becomes so much easier to emulate the life of a Yogi and you actually start thinking and pondering as you explore the philosophies and the Yog Sutras in depth.

All too soon the Yoga Teacher Training comes to an end and you wonder where did the time all go? The memories of the stillness and steadiness in the Yoga Practices, the uninterrupted reflections of Life itself and the company of being in Truth and Nature in Aamby Valley will be forever etched in your mind…..

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